
South Korea

In 2023, the AI revolution reached new heights with remarkable growth. South Korea witnessed a surge in AI-related activities, filling 0 new patents ( with respect to 2022) on Artificial Intelligence.

This plot displays the number of ai patents on South Korea over time.

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There has been a striking divergence in South Korea development across countries over time. Overall, we observe that most of the development in the field lies in a few advanced countries.

The countries with more number of patents in South Korea in the period 2019-2023 were .

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This treemap visualization offers a comprenhensive overview of AI distribution across countries in South Korea.

This visualization underscores the pervasive nature of AI across the economy, highlighting both expected and surprising areas of AI startup concentration and innovation.

Source: Crunchbase
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Here we provide a visual representation of country-level competitiveness by comparing the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) on the x-axis with relatedness density on the y-axis. RCA is an indicator that highlights the countries that exhibits a competitive edge in South Korea, while relatedness density measures how connected South Korea is to others within the broader economic structure.

Higher RCA values suggest that a country has a strong competitive position internationally in South Korea, while higher relatedness density indicates that South Korea is deeply integrated into the economy, with potential for further growth and diversification. This comparison allows us to identify countries with both high competitiveness and strong growth potential based on their embeddedness in the economic network.

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